
Viwi Ref Sheet Template

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Viwi Ref Sheet Template

3 ratings

Viwi are a species made by Mos!

Here is a template for all of your Viwi Ref Sheet needs! It comes in .psd format. Light knowledge of art programs is recommended.

The lineart in the template is at lowered opacity. This is keeping in-line with my art style. If you want to crank it back up to 100%, be my guest!

Included in the .psd is the Viwi separated off into customizable layers, including with and without hair, two different tail styles, clothing, chest styles, and body fluff. The colors are also separated off into separate layers for recoloring.


An image editing program that can open .psd files.


Make lineart, shading, and color edits to your heart's content! Once you have the file it's yours to do what you want with it~

Make ref sheets for other people using the file, as long as you have both purchased the template from my gumroad.

Create your own variations outside of what is already included. Need shorter/longer ears? Go for it! Different tail? By all means! You are not required to stick to the options I have already included if you can create your own.


Redistribute to those who haven't paid for it.

Remove my credit, but moving it is okay if it would be blocked by edits made to the ref sheet.

Resell the template to others. Please direct them to this page.

This is a digital product, so there will be no refunds once purchased.

Have fun creating your Viwi!

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Ref Sheet of the Viwi, with layers separated for customization!

25.3 MB
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