
Novabeast Toony Shading

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Novabeast Toony Shading

18 ratings

This texture works with the Novabeast by Kittomatic

This is a set of shading textures for the body and fluff of the Novabeast!

This is the shading I use on all of my own personal textures! You could theoretically use it as an AO map but I prefer to put it on the texture itself, so that's how I will explain it's use. You can use it on the avatar in any way you see fit!

This includes two options for the purchase

-$5 for personal use, for your own private avatars or public

-$50 for commercial use, to be able to use this texture for premade textures to sell, or commissions!


Knowledge of how to use image editing programs to apply the shading to your existing texture

--In 2D Programs:

-Open up your Body and Fluff textures

-Create an additional layer above the texture

-Place the shading in that layer, and change layer type to Multiply. Duplicate the layer to intensify the effect as needed.

-Save as a .png or other flat image format to be able to use it in Unity as a texture again

--In Substance Painter

-Create fill layers at the top of both the Body and Fluff Texture Sets

-Import the body and fluff shading both as textures

-Set the body and fluff shadings as the base color for the fill layers in the corresponding Texture Sets

-Change layer type to Multiply. Duplicate the layer to intensify the effect as needed.

Knowledge of how to move textures into your Unity project and apply them to the character model.

-Open the files received from this purchase

-Use the shading on the existing textures for your Novabeast as explained above

-Drag and drop the now-shaded textures into the Materials section of the Novabeast

-Replace the Texture in each of the material spheres with the new corresponding textures.


Edit this texture for your personal use

Use this texture on legally purchased Novabeast model by Kittomatic


Use on art projects intended to be hateful or offensive.

Redistrubute to people who have not purchased the product.

This is a digital product, so there will be no refunds once purchased. If you have any questions though, contact me on my discord server: https://discord.gg/vtbnmHjAX2

Have fun with your shading!

I want this!
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